13 January 2012

When life gives you lemons ...

... take photos of them?

I have many, many random photos and videos on my phone. Most, naturally, are either of our pets or our travels. A few are of foodstuffs that I have blogged about. I came across this one while looking to see if I had a dog or cat photo on there that I hadn't yet shared. My mind is suffering greatly from Fridayafternoonitis and I couldn't really get any of my thoughts to become sentences. This has me stumped. I know it's a lemon from our tree because no self-respecting tree would produce a lemon with such thick skin. But please would someone explain to me why I took a photo of it?

This on the other hand I can explain - this is what happens when Samson discovers mud at the oval on a hot day ...

and this, well this is where I left my heart. I plan to go back there one day to pick it up.


  1. I love the last picture! Beautiful!

    1. Thank you :) I still can't believe I managed to get such a clear shot with my phone from a moving Vaporetto.

  2. I've left my heart in so many parts around the world that I'm almost scared I created a horcrux.

    P.S. Eat the lemons straight! I do :p

    1. Oooh, as long as you left it somewhere nicer than a snake ... that makes no sense to me at all.
